

Philippe van Parijs (born 23 May 1951 in Brussels) is a Belgian philosopher and political economist. He is best known for his advocacy of the concept of basic income and for offering one of the first systematic treatments of the problems of linguistic justice.

Philippe van Parijs studied philosophy, law, political economy, sociology and linguistics at the Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles (Brussels), the Catholic University of Louvain (UCLouvain) in Louvain-la-Neuve, the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) in Louvain, Oxford, Bielefeld and California (Berkeley). He holds two doctorates, one in Social Sciences (Louvain-la-Neuve, 1977) and another in Philosophy (Oxford, 1980).

He is a professor at the Faculty of Economic, Social and Political Sciences at the Catholic University of Leuven, where he has held the Hoover Chair of Economic and Social Ethics since its creation in 1991. He was a visiting professor at the Department of Philosophy at Harvard University from 2004 to 2011, and has been a visiting professor at the Institute of Philosophy at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven since 2006, and a senior researcher at Nuffield College, Oxford since 2011.

He is one of the founders of the European Basic Income Network (BIEN), which in 2004 became the Global Basic Income Network, of which he chairs the international committee.

He coordinates the Ethics Forum of the University Foundation. He also coordinates the Pavia Group with Kris Deschouwer and, with Paul De Grauwe, the Re-Bel Initiative. He is a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium, the International Institute of Philosophy, the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and the British Academy. In 2001, he was awarded the Francqui Prize, Belgium's most important scientific award.

Our Collective Basic Income is a collection of donations from people around the world, regardless of social status, academic level, and race color. In our foundation, we are all one race, thus going towards the light of creation.

Anyone who wishes to belong to the foundation can do so through a voluntary donation, where you will become part of this great community of donors and will have the opportunity to improve your quality of life as well as help more people achieve true freedom.

Being part of our Collective Basic Income is very easy, you just have to fill out our virtual form and complete the documentation that consists of:

  1. Identification document

  2. Photo of the applicant with document in hand

  3. Photo of a utility bill.

  4. Proof of your contribution. (Your contribution will be 55 Dollars (USDT) and you will receive 300 Dollars (USDT) monthly for 12 months (1 year).

NOTE: People who make a donation will have 30 business days to use their 8 places, in order to complete the universal basic income of 1,100 USD (€1,000).


Rules to receive your benefit month by month:

1. The references provided by you must not belong to or have previously provided this service.
2. The 30 days to receive the benefit will be counted after receiving the data provided by you and verified, (An email will be sent with prior notification).
3. Upon receiving your benefit, you will have to send us a video specifying the benefit received from us.
4. You will have 30 business days after receiving your welcome from us, to complete your 8 quotas (after the month in which you will receive the benefit according to the number of quotas used)
5. You will have 10 days to make your change after receiving your benefit, otherwise it will be understood that you do not require it, and your quota will be canceled. We reiterate that from the beginning you entered voluntarily.
6. The former beneficiaries will receive their requested changes. After that, the processes continued through the digital exchange house.
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